Restarting the guest machine with vagrant reload or vagrant halt/up solve the issue until the login/logout routes are hit again. After login process completes, the VBoxHeadless process shows 100% CPU usage on the host machine while running top on the guest machine shows essentially 0%.Ĭlosing the browser window, stopping the Rails server or restarting the MariaDB service do not have any effect on lowering the CPU usage at this point.Navigate to the login page of the app and log in with correct credentials VirtualBox VM, : VirtualBox GUI -> File -> Preferences -> General -&.$ bin/rails server (nothing out of the ordinary at this point).Vagrant had when attempting to connect to the machine. This is made possible by a specific software technology called desktop virtualization.
If you look above, you should be able to see the error(s) that. Parallels Desktop is an application for Mac that allows you to run Windows and Linux operating systems and applications (or even previous versions of OS X) on your Mac. the configured ('config.vm.boottimeout' value) time period. Vagrant was unable to communicate with the guest machine within. Tim recommends using VMware Fusion with the VMware Fusion provider. I use (and have contributed VirtualBox support to) Tim Sutton‘s excellent osx-vm-templates project to build Vagrant boxes for OS X. syncedfolder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true VM Customizations. OS X on Vagrant is achievable, and without skirting Apple’s copyright.
boxversion '11.3.1' Synced folder are not supported under Mac OS X BSD-based guests do not support the VirtualBox filesystem config. Here are the steps I can take to reproduce the issue (assuming a halted vagrant box with my Rails app mounted at /vagrant): Timed out while waiting for the machine to boot. ENV 'VAGRANTEXPERIMENTAL' 'typedtriggers' Vagrant. MariaDB 10.1.8 (mysql2 driver, libmariadbd-dev).I am using the gem "devise" for user auth with basically vanilla settings (database authentication). I am doing Ruby on Rails development and I am consistently able to reproduce the issue by logging in or out of the app I am developing. Vagrant is a multi-platform command line tool for creating lightweight, reproducible and portable virtual environments. If I run top on the guest machine, it shows essentially 0% CPU usage. Run multiple OSs at the same time, all on your Mac.
You can then install Windows on the virtual machine, just as you would install any operating system on a regular computer. The installer will automatically add vagrant to your system path so that it is available in terminals. Install the package using standard procedures for your operating system. My issue is exactly as described above, the VBoxHeadless process CPU usage reaches 100% and stays at that level until the box is restarted. To add Windows, Linux, or another operating system to your Mac, Parallels Desktop creates a virtual machine (VM)a virtual PC inside your Mac. Head over to the Vagrant downloads page and get the appropriate installer or package for your platform. I am having the same issue with VirtualBox 5.0.8 and Vagrant 1.7.4, and I am able to reproduce the issue.